Looking for a place to invest involves assessing its advantages and drawbacks. Logically, you will consider a business with a double-digit price surge as an excellent option. Hence, let us show you why you should get a Dubai Investor Visa and enter the real estate market in the UAE.

In this article, you can learn about Dubai realty and the UAE Investor Visa. Our goal is to demonstrate how to increase your wealth by deciding to invest in the UAE. So, let us discuss the following to lead you to apply for an Investor Visa in Dubai:

  1. How was 2022 for the real estate industry in Dubai?
  2. What you can do with a Dubai investor visa in 2023
  3. Why should you invest in the real estate market of Dubai?
  4. Where can you find more information about the UAE investor visa?

1. How was 2022 for the real estate industry in Dubai?

Dubai Investor Visa

A part of your choosing process before investing in a business is evaluating its record. As a result, you will have a glance at how it can benefit your finances. Therefore, let us reveal how 2022 was for the real estate industry in Dubai.

Above all, 2022 was a year of growth for the real estate business throughout mainland Dubai. Indeed, it saw a price increase of 11.05% and a record sales performance with 86,849 sales. Assuredly, you are beginning to see why you should invest in the UAE.

On the other hand, both values surpass the ones of the previous year, 2021. After all, the price increase was almost 16%, and the sales were significantly less. In other words, you can enjoy this fast-growing market with an Investor Visa in Dubai.

2. What you can do with a Dubai investor visa in 2023

In short, your Dubai Investor Visa will allow you to put your money in a place where it will grow tremendously fast. First, it is worth mentioning that property values in the UAE stand at AED 1,089 per Square Foot. Surprisingly, it is an amount we do not see since 2013.

Furthermore, the sales record we mentioned earlier surpassed the previous one of 80,831 sales in 2009. Thus, you will find excellent chances to sell your office space to a new Digital Marketing Agency and recover the Investor Visa UAE cost. Indeed, it sounds as good as it looks.

Last, remember that experts consider Dubai a real estate oasis nowadays. After all, its demand curve is heading up despite crises such as the Ukraine-Russia conflict and COVID-19. Ergo, you can see your UAE Investor Visa as a terrific tool for success in the Middle East.

3. Why should you invest in the real estate market of Dubai?

Perhaps, the real question we should be asking is: Why should you not? Let us discuss why. First, you can buy properties in Dubai and see how they increase their value by 10% in 2023. Indeed, it will make you see the Investor Visa UAE cost as a successful investment.

On the other hand, Dubai will be hosting several outstanding events, such as COP28. In addition, you will see the positive effects of the new UAE Tourism Strategy 2031. By all odds, you will have many friends wanting to apply for a Freelance Visa because of it.

Finally, your Investor Visa in Dubai will make you part of a select group of foreign investors. Most importantly, several experts believe that the real estate market in the UAE is the perfect place to make investments today. So, let your team review the numbers and invest in the UAE.

4. Where can you find more information about the UAE investor visa?

The numbers show one thing above all: The real estate market in the UAE will keep growing this year. Therefore, you will find nothing but success if you apply for a Dubai Investor Visa today. After all, the UAE is a place of excellent opportunities and more.

At this point, you probably decided to get your Investor Visa in Dubai and invest in the UAE. However, it can be challenging to get one without proper knowledge. Fortunately, you can find the best team to help you get your UAE Investor Visa in ConnectFZ. If you want to know more about it, give us a call at +971 43 316 688 and we will gladly give you the advice you need.

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