Difference Between Investor and Partner Visa in UAE


For foreign individuals, the UAE offers two primary visa options. The options are the investor visa and the partner visa. Nevertheless, both these visas have very different objectives and eligibility criteria.

In this article, we are going to consider the main differences between an investor visa and a partner visa. This in turn will help you understand which one fits your particular circumstances.

So, let’s move on to the details and start discovering which visa has more significance and is a better choice for you! You will learn the difference between investor and partner visa in UAE. This helps you to make the best decision for you.

Understanding Your Business Structure

Business structure is essential to understand for everyone. Without proper knowledge, you can’t decide which visa type will be best for you partner visa and investor visa in Dubai.

The Purpose of the partner visa is for family-related purposes. On the other hand, the investor visa is for business-related purposes.

Similarly, the investor visa requires a significant financial investment. However, a partner visa is issued based on the status of the sponsor.

Moreover, a partner visa is still dependent upon the status of the principal visa holder. On the other hand, an investor visa is issued directly to the person making an investment.

What is partner visa in UAE?

A valid UAE resident/visa holder issues a partner visa to a dependent in the UAE. This allows family members to join the primary visa holder in the country. They also have benefited from the associated residency rights.

What is investor visa in UAE?

An investor visa is granted to individuals. The one who makes a substantial investment in the UAE economy. However, the specific investment amount varies. Typically, it starts from a significant sum. The investor receives residency in the UAE. They can also have a right to establish and operate their own business.

What is the Difference Between a Partner Visa & An Investor Visa?

The investor and partner visas serve different purposes and have distinct requirements. Here, we share the difference between investor and partner visa in UAE:

Investor Visa

The eligibility benefits and requirements of an investor visa are discussed below:


For individuals investing a significant amount in the UAE economy. Typically, it starts from AED 10 million.


Under investor visas, individuals are allowed to:

  • Residency in the UAE
  • Business ownership, and
  • The ability to sponsor dependents.


The requirements to obtain an investor visa include:

  • Proof of investment
  • Financial statements, and
  • A valid passport.

Partner Visa

The eligibility benefits and requirements of a partner visa are discussed below:


The partner visa is issued to the spouse or dependent children of a UAE resident/visa holder.


The partner visa enables family members to live and work in the UAE.


The requirements to obtain a partner visa involve the following documents:

  • Marriage certificate
  • Passport copies, and
  • Proof of financial support.

The eligibility criteria and the requirements keep evolving from time to time. Seek consultation from the relevant UAE authorities or immigration consultants, if need be, for updated information.

Visa Validity and Renewal: Partner Visa & Investor Visa

Partner Visa & Investor Visa


The visa validity and renewal requirements may vary. It depends on the individual circumstances and the latest immigration regulations. For updated information, it is wise to consult with the relevant authorities or immigration consultants.

Visa Validity for Partner Visa

Typically, partner visas typically have an initial validity period of two years. The visa can be renewed upon expiration. This is subject to meeting the renewal requirements. The renewal may be subject to conditions. The condition such as the primary visa holder’s continued residency and employment.

Visa Validity For Investor Visa

Investor visas are typically issued for a longer duration of 3-5 years. They can be renewed after expiration. This is subject to the investor maintaining their investment and meeting other renewal criteria.

Benefits of Partner and Investor Visas in Dubai, UAE

The benefits of a partner and investor visa may vary. It depends on the individual circumstances and the visa type obtained.

Benefits of Investor Visa in Dubai:


The investor visa allows the investor and their family to live and reside in the UAE.

Business Ownership:

The investor visa in Dubai grants the right to establish and operate a business in the UAE.

Tax Benefits:

The investor visa may offer certain tax advantages or exemptions. For instance, it enables access to various government services and facilities. Also, it provides access to quality education and healthcare facilities in the UAE.

Benefits of Partner Visa in Dubai

Family Reunification:

The partner visa allows spouses and dependent children to join the primary visa holder.


With a partner visa, you will be granted residency rights in the UAE.

Access to Services:

The partner visa holder gets access to government services and facilities.

Employment Opportunities:

The partner visa allows the partner to seek employment in the UAE.

Education and Healthcare:

This visa provides access to quality education and healthcare facilities for the family.

Partner Visa Costs in the UAE: A Breakdown

Here’s the complete breakdown of partner visa costs in the UAE:

Government Fees: The Foundation

  • The visa application fee is a fee charged by the UAE government for processing the visa application.
  • Medical test fees associated with the required medical examination.
  • Emirates ID Fees for obtaining Emirates ID cards for the visa holder and dependents.

Medical Insurance: Ensuring Security

Medical insurance is a critical part, especially for getting a partner visa in the UAE. If there should be an occurrence of health-related crises or sicknesses, it gives monetary assurance.

It is important to get it as the UAE government orders that all visa candidates have substantial health care coverage inclusion. Should choose a health care coverage plan that covers many medical costs.

Be that as it may, the expense of medical insurance can shift. It relies upon the degree of inclusion, age, and prior conditions.

Furthermore, getting medical insurance from a legitimate provider is fundamental. UAE specialists should perceive medical insurance to ensure a smooth visa application process. It additionally shows you have sufficient medical care during your visit to the country.

Additional Considerations: Potential Extras

Some visa specialists might charge extra fees for their services. You may likewise have to pay the expense of finding and leasing reasonable convenience in the UAE. It likewise incorporates everyday costs like food, transportation, and utilities.

Minimum Investment: The Core Requirement

Typically, the investor visa requires a minimum investment in the UAE economy. It varies depending on the specific visa category.

Procedure to Apply Investor Visa and Partner Visa

Procedure to Apply Investor Visa and Partner Visa

To apply for an investor or partner visa in the UAE, follow these general steps:

  1. Gather Required Documents:

For an Investor Visa, you need:

  • Passport copies
  • Proof of investment
  • Financial statements, and
  • Company documents.

On the other hand, the Partner Visa requires:

  • Passport copies
  • Marriage certificates
  • Proof of financial support, and
  • The primary visa holder’s residency documents.
  1. Choose a Visa Agent (Optional):

At this point, now consider using a visa agent to assist with the application process. Especially if you are unfamiliar with the procedures or language.

  1. Submit Application:

Submit your application to the relevant UAE immigration authorities. You can submit your application online, in person, or through a visa agent.

  1. Attend Interview:

You may be required to attend an interview with immigration officials. However, it depends on the visa category

  1. Medical Checkup:

You are required to undergo a medical examination at a designated medical center.

  1. Wait for Approval:

Wait for the approval as the visa processing time may vary. Once the application is reviewed, you will be notified of the decision..

  1. Collect Visa:

Collect your visa stamp on your passport, if your visa is approved


Both, investor and partner visas serve distinct purposes and have different requirements. The investor visa is for individuals making substantial investments in the UAE economy. The partner visa offers them residency, 100% business ownership, and potential tax benefits.

On the other hand, a partner visa is for spouses and dependent children of UAE residents. This visa provides residency and access to services in the UAE.

Additionally, both visas offer unique advantages. The choice between them depends on your individual circumstances and goals. However, it is essential to consult with immigration or business consultants in the UAE for accurate information and guidance.

This guide pen down the difference between investor and partner visa in UAE. Helping you to make the wise decision for you!


Kane Bernard

Avatar photoKane BernardHe is a dynamic Enterprise Development Manager with a proven track record in driving business growth and innovation. With a strategic mindset and a passion for fostering enterprise success, he excels in identifying new market opportunities, developing strategic partnerships, and enhancing operational efficiencies. His expertise includes market analysis, business planning, and project management, enabling her to guide enterprises through complex development stages.

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