establishment number in UAE

All foreign investors who wish to start their company in the UAE must have an establishment number in UAE. Therefore, it is important to understand what are the necessary steps to start your business in this country. And not only that, but you must also know the standards and requirements that must be met. Thus, you can successfully carry out your commercial activities.

In this article, you will discover all the necessary information about the UAE establishment card. We will begin by explaining a brief but clear definition of this document. In addition, we will let you know why it is important for employers to have an establishment number in UAE.

1. Do you know what the Dubai establishment card is?

establishment number in UAE

If you want to be an entrepreneur and establish a business in the UAE, it is important that you know what the establishment number in UAE is. Once you understand this definition, you can start figuring out how to get one and how you can check establishment cards online. The most important thing to know is that this document is generally delivered as a credit or debit card. That is, it contains relevant information about the company and has the same dimensions as a bank card.

It is important that you know what information the establishment card in Dubai contains, which is.

  • The most important thing on this card is the establishment number in UAE.
  • Company name.
  • An image of the establishment card.
  • Due date.

In addition, the back of the establishment card includes some instructions for the owner of the business. Contact information for the AMER service is also added. It is important that you know that everything that is written in this document is written in Arabic and English. The most relevant thing about this card is the establishment number in UAE.

1.1 Is the establishment card known by another name?

The establishment card can be known by different names; therefore, it is very helpful that you know them so that, when they mention any of these, you know what they are talking about. The most important known are

  • Employment card.
  • Immigration card.
  • The company immigration card (CIC).
  • Company Establishment Card (CEC).

Top Business Opportunities in UAE

2. Learn why it is important for businessmen to have the Dubai establishment card number

Many entrepreneurs often wonder why they need the establishment number in UAE. There are different reasons, one of the most important is that it allows you to enjoy the investment opportunities that this country offers. In addition, to go through certain procedures they ask you for this document. Among the most prominent is requesting visas for both employees and the owner of the company.

If you want to get some international shareholders or partners, to get their investor visas, you need this document. About employees, in case you need to request their work permits, they will also request the establishment card. It is important that before applying for any type of visa, you know about the changes that were made in this matter.

In addition, every company needs a workspace with all the comforts to carry out commercial activities. That is public services such as water, electricity, and internet access. If you do not have an establishment card, you cannot hire any provider of these services. On the other hand, when you need to pay corporate taxes, they will request this document.

3. Contact ConnectFZ so that we can support you in the process of opening your company

All foreigners who want to take advantage of how easy it is to do business in the UAE should know that there are certain processes and documents that they need. If you contact ConnectFZ you will find a nice staff that will support you during all these procedures. You can contact us by two means of communication which are by calling us at +971 43 316 688 or by writing to

Connect Freezone

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