Top Business Ideas in Dubai for Ladies


Dubai is a city full of business opportunities. In addition, this city offers different platforms for everyone to try and succeed. In the same vein, the emirate has grown massively when it comes to being a pro-enterprise and investor-friendly destination. Nowadays, there are many successful business ideas in Dubai for ladies.

In this article, we will make sure you understand everything about the different business ideas in Dubai for ladies. In other words, you will learn everything about the importance of having a balanced market. On the other hand, we will also show you low-budget ideas. Let’s observe:

This is the best time for Women to Start a business in the UAE

Now is probably the best time for women to have business setup in Dubai mainland or other freezones. That is to say, there are free zones and other jurisdictions contending to come up with the best “Women Entrepreneur Package”

In addition, the cost of the different licenses for some business categories has been reduced; this is aimed at women wishing to start taking more involvement in the business-owning area. Further, the local licensing authorities are allowed to grant them the opportunity to choose how they want to operate their businesses.

On the other hand, many women entrepreneurs in Dubai are choosing e-commerce or an online venture. Similarly, the government is offering special packages for them to start their own business. In addition, this is helping thousands of families with another source of income, especially if they were not working before.

Some free zones are also offering license packages for those women who have lost their jobs or just closed their company due to Covid-19. Likewise, the government of the country and free zone authorities are giving full supports to new entrepreneurs so they can discover and explore all the opportunities Dubai and the UAE have for them.

Top Business Ideas in Dubai For ladies

Female entrepreneurs are a crucial part of the business and economic environment. In the same vein, the rise in women entrepreneurs in Dubai was complicated. Certainly, in recent years, things have become easier for them. In addition, females have been also involved in the rise of entrepreneurs’ businesses.

Some reports show the number of female entrepreneurs has increased progressively from 2006 to 2013. Therefore, they are starting small- and medium-sized businesses. And one of the most important benefits is that they are employing foreign nationals.

However, the UAE is still working on improving and encouraging female involvement in economic activities. Certainly, there are many successful women entrepreneurs in the UAE and they are working in the right direction.

Consultancy Services

This area is one of the business areas in Dubai that has good growth prospects and minimal investment. In addition, those with vast experience and knowledge in a specific industry can acquire a consultancy license and start a consultancy business in the city. Similarly, it does not require a large commercial space or business setup.

Homely Food

Dubai has a large population of foreign nationals. Most of them are currently working in international businesses and have a busy life/work schedule. Everyone can start a food business with low investment, unlike other business areas. Further, it does not require the applicant to have any academic qualifications. Women with cooking skills can try this out.

In the same vein, the business can start at home and they can reach the clients through social media platforms such as WhatsApp or Facebook. Above all, food quality is the most important thing for the growth of the business. In addition, you can contact us to know about the food business setup or the process to acquire a business license in Dubai.

Crèche or Child Daycare

Since most of the parents in Dubai are employed or are businesspersons; child daycare service is an important requirement in the city. Therefore, women with good skills in controlling children, and being calm enough to handle them may think about starting a child daycare center or a crèche. Further, the hygiene, health, and childcare rules are strict in the UAE.

To ensure the children are taken care of properly; think of starting this business if you are confident of following the regulations. On the other hand, you can start with a limited number; after that, you can expand easily.

Customizable T-Shirts

In recent years, the business of customizable t-shirts has turned into a very lucrative business opportunity. In the same vein, as a woman entrepreneur, you can consider this type of business as a good way to start a business in Dubai.

And what you only need to start this type of business is some plain t-shirt and a digital printing machine.

In addition, if you are a woman looking to start a business and have a dynamic business idea; Dubai is the perfect city for you. And if you want us to assist you in this process; we will gladly take care of it.

Fashion Boutique

A fashion boutique company set up in the city will deliver good results if she has the skill, talent, passion for observing global trends, creating new brand designs, and designing a lovely collection of dresses. In the same vein, there are several renowned couturiers established and operating from Dubai.

Thus, identifying the right location, recognizing the areas to set up the business, and having a great strategy will be crucial for making the company successful. In addition, renting commercial space at the right location is also a key factor.

E-commerce Business

The digital market is a growing sector around the globe. Similarly, Dubai also offers several options for entrepreneurs in this area. For instance, this type of business is considered one of the most thriving and modern business ideas in Dubai for ladies. In addition, there is no doubt women have contributed massively in this area.

Further, it allows them to have a balance in their work/life career. Likewise, women entrepreneurs in Dubai can start an e-commerce business from the comfort of their homes. All they need to know is how to operate an e-commerce platform and run an online business. In addition, another good thing to have is a good internet connection and a digital system.

How Can Women Start Freelancing in the UAE?


Women can start a freelance business if they have proven experience and the right certification in any field. Women entrepreneur can offer their services from home or rent a space. In the same vein, freelancing is one of the most selected areas by women entrepreneurs in Dubai.

Women entrepreneurs in Dubai can choose any business sector according to their passion and taste. Therefore, at par with men, they can establish and start a legal company in Dubai or the UAE.

In addition, even before Covid-19, the government sought to encourage women to start their businesses and become self-sponsored. That is to say, now some free zones make this process simpler and cheaper by creating licenses. In addition, women can arrange them through Dubai Knowledge Park, Dubai Internet City, Dubai Internet City, twofour54 in Abu Dhabi, Fujairah Creative City, and RAKEZ in Ras Al Khaimah.

On the other hand, some permits allow women to keep their full-time or permanent job and start a sideline business, as long as their sponsor provides a No Objection Certificate.

Some of the freelance businesses to choose from include:

Personal trainer

For those living in the UAE, sometimes it feels like everyone you meet is a personal trainer. In the same vein, they go along well and dominate the Instagram wellness area.

Tara Nolan, a personal trainer decided to start working from her permanent role at a gym to start working more one-to-one with her clients.

“My other stimulus was being my own boss, and earning a bit more”, said the 35-year-old.

“Clients will gladly pay more money because they understand they are not paying for the service. When you are a trainer, you are not just helping with their fitness; you also become an impulse and confidant”.

In the United Arab Emirates, personal trainers can charge between DH330 and DH505 for a personal one-hour session. However, this can go up to approx. DH 650 per hour.

Food Photography/Food Blogger

Food blogging consists in writing critical articles and reviews on a specific restaurant, bar, food, or other food-related areas. Similarly, women entrepreneurs in the UAE will need to visit bars and restaurants to try specific food or new dishes to write on. In addition, they will need excellent photography skills because writing about food is efficient with images.

In the same vein, you must have to be willing to try out new dishes and have excellent writing skills. And as another thing to have in mind, you should understand techniques and culinary traditions from different cultures. Certainly, earning avenues do not have a limit; you can sell photos, ad spaces, or even run paid reviews on your business website.

Interior Decor Store

Establishing an interior décor store in the city is also another great business idea for women. In the same vein, the practice of interior stores has become a new trend with minimalistic designs and modern urbanizations. Further, always there is a demand for trending home decoration elements.

In order to have a successful store in this area, you must offer a wide range of carefully chosen home design pieces. You can start by curating special interior design pieces for your clients which give personality to their homes.

Virtual Assistant

Nowadays, technological advancement has led to the birth of working remotely. And for women in the freelance world in Dubai, this is a profitable area if they have the right skills. Similarly, remote working requires you to go along well with software like Slack or Skype.

That is to say, Virtual Assistants perform several administrative activities such as scheduling meetings, answering emails, among others. Thus, the goal is to deliver the best quality of work under minimum supervision. Further, you also would need to show experience as an assistant or a similar relevant role and knowledge of the latest technology and the best email, phone, and communication skills.

How can Connect Free Zone assist you to Start your own Business in the UAE?

We understand that starting a business be an overwhelming activity especially if you are on your own; when we work with you, you obtain the best pricing, discounts, and packages when you are setting up your business in the best areas in the UAE. In the same vein, we are more than a partner, we work side-by-side with you so you can set up in the UAE easily.

In Connect Free Zone we have more than 21 years working with all types of businesses in the UAE; that led us to acquire the right experience we need to guide and advise you to reach your business goals in the country.

We help you to find the perfect business location and we make sure you take advantage of all the available options each free zone offers you. Therefore, we compare locations, facilities, free zone rules, and regulations regarding your company’s objectives and services.

Would you like Connect Free zone to assist you to start your own business in the UAE?

If you want us to start working side-by-side or if you want us to answer your different inquiries about starting your own business; you can always email us via Or you can call us at +971 4331 6688 if you prefer.

Kate Williams

Avatar photoKate WilliamsSkills in Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Time Management, Teamwork, and Customer Experience. She is an enthusiastic self-starter with a passion for building relationships with people.

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