Why is the UAE replacing its visa stamping policy?

visa stamping in Dubai

Technological advances are an essential part of every nation’s security. After all, they guarantee that national and foreign citizens can live and work without worries. Logically, it is one of the reasons the UAE is replacing its visa stamping in Dubai policy today.

In this article, we will show how they are replacing visa stamping in Dubai. It includes the UAE visa stamping process definition and why they replaced it with the Emirates ID. So, give your friends an excellent piece of advice after reviewing the following topics:

  1. What is the UAE visa stamping process?
  2. Replacing visa stamping in Dubai
  3. Can you do the same with an Emirates ID than with visa stamping in the UAE?
  4. Where can you find more information about the visa stamping replacement?

1. What is the UAE visa stamping process?

visa stamping

A UAE residence visa is a document that allows you to live in Mainland Dubai or another Emirate. Above all, it reflects essential information about you, such as your country of origin and why you are a resident. However, how can you renew it if it is no longer valid?

Here is when the UAE visa stamping process enters the scene. Indeed, it involves stamping your passport every time you renew documents such as your Investor Visa. As a result, you will keep your valid until another UAE visa stamping process becomes necessary.

Nevertheless, the UAE wants to modernize its immigration system by replacing its visa stamping policy. Hence, you may be wondering how to renew your residence visa today. Fortunately, you can jump to our following subject to discover how to do so successfully.

2. Replacing visa stamping in Dubai

At first, foreign citizens were familiar with procedures such as visa stamping in Dubai. After all, they perform them frequently to keep their legal status without problems. As a result, they can still work in companies of the Dubai South Freezone or elsewhere.

However, the UAE now links your UAE visa directly to your Emirates ID. Consequently, you do not need visa stamping in the UAE anymore. On the contrary, as of May 2022, you can perform two previously separated applications in only one procedure in the UAE.

Logically, it is a change that may generate doubts about how to renew your Freelance Visa. More specifically, you may wonder if your Emirates ID allows you to do the same as with visa stamping in the UAE. Luckily, our following topic will give you the answer to this question.

3. Can you do the same with an Emirates ID than with visa stamping in the UAE?

The short answer is: Yes, you can now do the same activities with your Emirates ID without requiring visa stamping in the UAE. Above all, it is proof of the effort of the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security to merge residence and identity applications.

For instance, airlines in Dubai can now verify your UAE residency through your Emirates ID. After all, they no longer need to see the visa stamping on your passport. Instead, you can give only your passport number and travel to Khalifa Industrial Zone in Abu Dhabi.

In summary, the UAE facilitated your residence visa renewal process. This way, they will promote foreign investment in the country and the immigration of talent. After all, the change of not requiring visa stamping in Dubai makes your life easier in the UAE.

Last, remember that your Emirates ID must include the residence sticker alongside your personal and professional data. So, make sure it has no mistakes, or you can get in trouble with UAE authorities regarding your Green Visa.

4. Where can you find more information about the visa stamping replacement?

Living in the UAE as a foreign citizen is now easier than ever. Indeed, you can now use your Emirates ID to renew your residence visa instead of the UAE visa stamping process. As a result, you will save time that you can use in productive parts of your activities.

We know you probably feel confused about the changes regarding visa stamping in the UAE. In this sense, you will find it helpful to get assistance from experts in the matter. Ergo, you can learn how to get your Emirates ID and more through ConnectFZ.

Let us show you how to leave the UAE visa stamping process behind. Feel free to contact us and discover how we can help you renew your residence visa. Our team will gladly talk with you through a call at +971 43 316 688 or an email at contact@connectfz.com.

One essential part of your residence visa is your job. In this sense, you can keep yours or find a better one through the terrific job offers of The Talent Point. Go to thetalentpoint.com or contact us via email at contact@thetalentpoint.com to change your professional life today!

Neelisha Khandhway

Neelisha-Khandhway-imgNeelisha KhandhwayAn Associate member of institute of company Secretaries of India with around 6 years of experience in india and uae in providing Company Secretarial, Legal and Corporate Governance services including Compliance, Risk Management, Due Diligence, Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Drafting and vetting of Agreements.

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